UNB SU By-Election 2022
Candidate Interviews

The UNB SU By-Election voting starts on October 31.

To provide you with more context for your vote, CHSR has reached out to all the candidates for the election for a brief interview. Each candidate was given the same set of questions, and up to 10 minutes to respond. Not all candidates have responded.

Interviews are posted here in the order they were recorded. Check back regularly to hear them all!

For the full slate of candidates, we recommend that you view the UNB SU Candidates page.

Sean Briggs

Running for: Management Councillor

Patrick Onianwa

Running for: Student Senate

Guaransh-Vipin Gupta

Running for: VP Finance & Operations

Vivek Sharma

Running for: 1st-year Representative

Isabella Hallihan

Running for: VP Finance & Operations

Hemaanth Sivakumar

Running for: 1st-year Representative

Manav Dhupar

Running for: VP Finance & Operations