hi hi! in this episode of indie whimsy you’ll hear:
- start again – death cab for cutie (plans)
- in the backseat – arcade fire (funeral)
- anybody anyway – even as we speak (feral pop frenzy)
- old flame – arcade fire (arcade fire ep)
- indian summer – beat happening (jamboree)
- guy for me – peach kelli pop (peach kelli pop)
- handsome devil (john peel session) – the smiths (hatful of hollow)
- black mirror – arcade fire (neon bible)
- sleep away your troubles – the softies (holiday in rhode island)
- bitches in tokyo – stars (in our bedroom after the war)
- sea hunt – beat happening (music to climb the apple tree by)
- magic bunny – sissy bar (statutory grape)
- take your time (coming home) – fun. (aim and ignite)
- what happened to you, son? – belle and sebastian (what happened to you, son?)