hiya! in this episode of indie whimsy you’ll hear:
- carnival – the cardigans (life)
- city with no children – arcade fire (the suburbs)
- sound of my alarm – kisswhistle (closure: collected songs)
- headlights look like diamonds – arcade fire (arcade fire ep)
- you’re alight – eux autres (broken bow)
- bad news – peach kelli pop (peach kelli pop)
- you made me forget my dreams – belle and sebastian (push barman to open old wounds)
- ocean of noise – arcade fire (neon bible)
- oxford comma – vampire weekend (vampire weekend)
- the first five times – stars (set yourself on fire)
- everything is now, pt. 2 – belle and sebastian (how to solve our human problems)
- young folks – peter bjorn and john (writer’s block)
- november – real estate (the main thing)
- poor boy – belle and sebastian (how to solve our human problems)