Conference Call is a weekly live call-in program at 11am every Monday. You can participate live via phone, Twitter or Facebook, or join in after the show has aired by leaving a comment here, calling our voicemail line at (506) 453-4989 or emailing . Responses after the show may be included in future shows.
NEW TIME: Conference Call is a live 1/2 hour show, starting at 11am on Mondays.
Coming up next: Ellen’s Law. The provincial government just passed “Ellen’s Law”, an act modifying the Motor Vehicle Act. The changes are intended to clarify the relationship and requirements for motor vehicles with respect to cyclists who share the road — adding strength to the “1-meter rule” where a vehicle is required to keep 1 meter from a cyclist when passing them, making the road safer for cyclists. The act was focused as a reaction to the death of star NB cyclist Ellen Watters in late December 2016, from injuries sustained when a motor vehicle collided with her bicycle. The questions we’re asking include: is this enough? does this make a difference? and, how do we share the road safely between bicycles and cars?