All Things Wabanaki presents: Winter 2010 Letter to Notice to Canada and It’s Provinces
Recently, “All Things Wabanaki” held a presentation reading of excerpts taken from a recent Letter of Notice to Canada and it’s Provinces, issued Winter 2010, regarding the illegal Comprehensive Land Claim Settlements and Self-Government Negotiations with Indian Act Chiefs and Councils within the Mi’gmaq territories of Atlantic Canada.
In order to educate the public on issues regarding Mi’gmaq Sovereignty over their lands and resources the producers of “All Things Wabanaki” wished to address the issue. The Letter of Notice regarding the following is made available to the general public through .pdf format here on CHSR’s website and is described in brief summary below.
“The position paper from the 7th District, Gespegawagi Council, deals with the immediate end of the racial and discriminatory policies of the colonial Indian Act law enacted in 1876, to eradicate and displace sovereign Indigenous Hereditary Life Chiefs within ancestral Mi’gmaq lands, not ceded or purchased by the British or Canadian Crown. It is the position of the 7th District, Gespegawagi, Council, that Canada by its illegal creation of acts in the comprehensive land claims process, including the right to self Government negotiations with their federally created Indian Act Chiefs are still promoting extinguishment of self-determination and indigenous title.”
“We have to make our position clear that even if Canada signs these land claim and self-government agreements, they will not be binding upon Hereditiary Governing Systems because we were not party to these sell-out domestic agreements.” 7th District, Gespegawagi Council, 2010
The producers of “All Things Wabanaki” shares in the solidarity of Indigenous Peoples around the World. As a result the producers strive to provide through their medium an accurate and critical approach towards the materials they share and/or examine in the spirit of journalism.