CHSR has experienced some pretty nasty water damage due to the recent weather over the past few weeks. Thankfully so far our gear is OK, thanks to the hard work and quick thinking of our Volunteers, Staff, and help from SUB facilities.
We have thankfully been able to continue broadcasting live and prerecorded shows thanks to our live studio being safe from harm so far, and some creative recording set ups not in studios for the prerecorded shows.
Rebuilding is going to cost us more than we have in our already shoe string budget, so we are asking our listeners and the community to try and help us out in our time of need. We normally focus our fundraising efforts for FunDrive (which will be coming up in February) but we need some extra help this year. If you can, please donate something to help us, and either way please spread the words to your friends and all over social media so hopefully we can rebuild and continue serving eastern canada and local musicians like no one else can in Fredericton!
Below read the article from the Gleaner about the water damage and our hope for repairs.
You can make a one-time donation to the station, or you can make a recurring monthly donation spread out over a whole year. Payments are accepted via PayPal below, or by mailing your cheque or money order to:
Box 4400
Student Union Building, UNB Campus
Fredericton, NB
E3B 5A3