Erin Bond – Station Manager/Host of Homemade Jams (Mon-Thurs 4pm), Her Turn (Tuesdays 7pm) and Anything Goes (Saturdays 9pm)
Mise en Scene‘s Still Life On Fire has taken over my stereo. David R. Elliott‘s new release, Strawberry Grass, is amazing too. I’ll also mention Dance Movie‘s Pierce that just arrived into the station. Loving the track “Nosebleed”.
Mark Kilfoil – Program Director/Host of The Lunchbox (weekdays at noon), The Weird Show (Saturdays 9am) and
CAFFEEN! (Saturdays 8am)
I’ve been feeding my love for audio dramas and actual-play D&D, so it’s a lot of TANIS, Rabbits, Archive 81, The Vault and Sneak Attack. For tunage, I’ve been scatter-reviewing my collection recently, but I recently picked up the deadmau5 album W:/2016ALBUM/ and spun it several times, as well as the fantastic full-length The Traveller by Elephant Skeletons.
Tammie Hayward – Host of Instant Breakfast (weekdays 8am) and De-Railed (Fridays 4pm)
My album pick of the week is The Mae Trio‘s Take Care Take Cover. Gorgeous vocals and harmonies, great songwriting and musicianship from this mesmerizing trio . I liken them to the The Wailin’ Jennys with a little Oh Pep (also from Melbourne).
Chris Waddell – Music Director/Host of The Crazy Train (Saturday 6pm)
Spinesplitter‘s Conjuring Annihilation! Fredericton’s favorite blackened death metal band returns with a fire ridden furnace blast to the face! All killer no filler!